Kunaal Biswas

Born and brought up in Kolkata in the eighties, Kunaal was interested in music from a very young age. His interest only evolved over his teenage years and he started composing and producing his own songs and music. As an already established musician, he quickly became a part of the huge cultural and philosophical exchange which was bringing upon a revolution in Bengal’s musical landscape.
He soon came to be regarded as a pillar of the Bengal music scene and got to professionally and personally work with the established folk artists and bauls from all over Bengal. Creating awareness of the ancient philosophy of bauls and their music came easy to him because of his extremely good interpersonal and social skills. This also made him welcome and loved amongst the bauls who saw him as one of their own.
It was during this time Kunaal joined the newly formed Fakira. His addition to the band opened multiple doors to the introverted baul community like never before and his journey with the band is still going strong.